Fitness Kids Line

Skyfitness equipment allows children to develop their motor and physical skills while playing with other children or spending time with parents and grandparents.

The tools are in fact designed not to affect the joints of the little ones but rather the mechanisms are made to guide them in the correct movement.

This allows an enhancement at the motor and cognitive level, which derives from the improvement of physical-motor skills but also from the development of reflexes and awareness of oneself and one's body.

It is also possible to create adult-child sharing areas. Some tools have in fact been created to accommodate the adult on one side and the child on the other, thus allowing parent and child to do activities physics together.

To all this are added the countless benefits of outdoor activities: increased immune defenses; increased levels of vitamin D, necessary for bone development; socialization with other children; understanding of the dynamics of relationship and sharing; less stress; greater knowledge of the territory and the environment; development of cognitive and affective skills (according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, outdoor activities contribute to improving concentration skills and therefore academic performance). decreased risk of childhood obesity.


These tools allow children to improve their motor-coordination skills while having fun with friends in the park

Security assured

These machines have no removable parts and the mechanisms are protected to ensure maximum safety of children

Easy to use

The constrained movements and the illustrative panel on each tool allow an easy and correct use.

Guaranteed for outdoor use

Maximum resistance to all weather conditions, even in the mountains and at the sea

1- Fitness bike


2- Air Walker

Legs - Body

3- Elliptical Machine

Legs - Arms

4- Surfboard

Abdominals - Total Body

5- Tai Chi Spinners

Shoulders - Arms

6- Leg Press


7- Twister + Surfboard

Abdominal - Total Body
circuito 1

8- Circuit 1

Air Walker - Stall Bars - Surfboard
circuito 2

9- Circuit 2

Fitness Bike - Tai Chi Spinners - Free Bench
circuito 3

10- Circuit 3

Elliptical Machine - Pull up Bar - Twister Station
Disabled Kids multistation

11- Disabled Kids multistation

Types of flooring


The flooring in the areas surrounding the Skyfitness® equipments is mandatory in the case of Circuits, Inclusive Circuits and Kids Structures. In addition to ensuring a flat surface on which to train, the types of flooring that Skyfitness® combines with its products are designed to achieve the highest level of visual integration with the surrounding landscape and to ensure the use of machinery in total safety.

Certified Anti-trauma Flooring

Gomma Colata

Cast Rubber



Quadrotti Antitrauma

Anti-trauma Squares





Other Types of Flooring



Erba Sintetica

Synthetic grass

Piastre gomma granulare
